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Unix timestamp to readable date/time

Unix timestamp to readable date/time is a free Chrome extension developed by Alexey Michurin. This extension is designed to make it easier to read UNIX timestamps in web UI.

With this extension, users have two options to convert UNIX timestamps into readable date and time formats. By simply pushing the extension button, all timestamps on the web page will be equipped with popups displaying the corresponding readable time. Additionally, users can visit the extension options page to customize various settings such as colors and support for milli-, micro-, and nanoseconds.

Furthermore, by pushing the extension button on the new tab page, users will be redirected to a simple converter page where they can easily convert UNIX timestamps into readable date and time formats.

It is important to note that this extension does not monitor pages permanently and only acts upon user demand. Therefore, on interactive pages that change frequently, the readable timestamps may disappear.

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